Another set of love turtles

Looking for the answer...

one of them private creeks each beach owns

hunting down the sunset - with success!

mama bird and baby bird at the campsite bbqs

stretching out the old legs...

happy to find the water... arriving at the first of 5 dream beaches only accessible for walkers (after 5h) and boats

dream beach boulders

again, teh love turtles

boulders, backpack beach

another bird!

our campsite on the overnight hike - lucky that we still had neighbors, i mean this is one of the most remote campsites you can have... but the odd neighbor is necessary, if you by a burner, that doesnt fit your gas bottles... shame on me...

On the boulders, which make fabulous lookouts on the costal path..

Kati and the vietnames hat, on the way to the next fab beach...

Chris, after creek crossing, at another great beach

Kati's shoes, after unsuccessful beach crossing

me, after everything..

crazy new vegetation, after bush and beach now swamp and finally hills, gras, burned trees and , of ocurse, boulders

faceshaped boulders

Kati decided to go for the extra miles, adding it up to 23km on day to only!! but we were rewarded with another chance of bathing, long strethces of almost empty beach and supreme costal views

like this

bushy tail possum

and my personal hugging favorite - the wombat

A long weekend in paradise.. funny enough that i havent even heard of it last time i was in oz. Not too many tourists here - lucky and a shame at the same time. Definitely one of my new favorite places in Australia. The weekend in Wilsons Prom has been close to perfect... I think the broken pole of our tent's entrance and the running out of beer were the 2 thins one might mention towards the negative side... but besides that, we had a lot of fun... uploading some panoramas now! m
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