Sunday, September 7, 2008

The third weekend


even though Mattes was at uni for many hours on Saturday, we made the most of the weekend and enjoyed the sunshine (with kati still quite sick... sniff...)

Lotsa time was spent on the black moto, which is looooooaaads of fun!

We also spent lotsa time at the beeeeaaaach porsupuesto ;-) Mattes is being very good about swimming lots and lots and out into the deep ocean and kati is working just as hard on a tan which is a comin'.

And then we did our little piece of partying too, including a nice roof-top-terrace party at George's place, which has an entire kitchen on the rooftop, with a grand asador and all! The night ended with Mattes making sand-angels which was of course beautiful to watch ;-)

Hope you all had a good weekend, too!
It's a short week here now, with a "puente" (long weekend) and Thursday and Friday off, so we're gonna head out to the Costa Brava and do some exploring. Will keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Katita, Du hast definitiv den schöneren Helm! ;-) Habt noch Spaß und schickt mal bitte ein wenig Sonne nach Deutschland!!!! xxx E*

Kati & Mattes said...

Jajaja, aber sicherer ist der vom Mattes! Er darf ja auch mit der Maschine jeden Tag durch die Berge cruisen.
Versuche die Tage mal ein Paar Strahlen für Euch einzufangen.
Grüß mir Ddorf und hasta prontoooo! kati*