It was kind of sad seeing all the fun Oktoberfest pics from people back home via facebook, so we decided to seek out Oktoberfest in Melbourne. And we found it! In the European Bier Café they had Steins, German beers, pretzels, Leberkäs, an Umpa-Band, the LOT! And had a great evening - and thanks to Stefan for helping organize an all.

The Umpa-Band - real German, äh no, they were actually Austrian, but at least they wore Lederhosen

Australians getting animated during "Ein Prosit..."

We are proud of our Steins (and my pigtails and Mattes' neck scarf)

Stefan (another German guy here, but actual MBS student), and Mattes are happy to have Steins

Mattes is in love with his Stein

Mattes, Stefan and Jef (from Belgium) have had a few Steins

Exchange students pre-Steins (FYI: Tilmann (Germany), Trish (USA), Stefanie (Canada), Matt (dunno), Chris (USA), Jens (Switzerland), Jaco (Holland))

Exchange students post Steins (what is Tilmann doing with his mouth?!?)
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