Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back to Barcelona

Hey all,

just a quick note while we are in Melbourne on the way to catch our flight to Barca...
We had a terrific time in Tasmania. The island is soo remote that you are pretty much on your own even in high season!! Also, we were totally lucky with the weather, having had only two days of rain in 3,5 weeks, including the hottest day in Tassie in the last 10 years (38,5 ÂșC).
Among the Highlights were of course the 8 day overnight trek from Cradle Mountain to Lake St Claire (Overland track), the Falls festival and hiking along Wineglass bay on Freyzinet Peninsula. Fotos are to come soon, and many more stories as well ;))

The sad news are, that we feel like we missed out on xmas and new years. Being surrounded by beaches and warm weather is nice, but doesnt feel like xmas at all. We did miss, the cold and our families, hanging out eating too much and playing board games for three days is just the right thing to do at this time of the year.

And celebrating new years with 17ooo people on the Falls Festival, watching the ocean and a crazy lightening storm will be an unforgettable memory, but is not the same as being with friends, going crazy in Berlin or whereever, but going crazy with your friends..

Its that what makes us looking forward to the next step on our long journey... its getting closer to yall again.. looking forward to barcelona and the IESE crowd, meeting most of the homies in London in pink and also getting some of you to visit us in Barcelona maybe, since we only have 4 months left to offer that opportunity.

Anyway, before I start crying, I might as well catch my flight.. Hope yall doing fine, had a great start into 2010 so far and that we catch up soon!!!

Love, peace and ice cream,


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